There are variations in the draft Plans specifically related to the situation in the devolved administrations and these can be found by clicking on the countries below:

Recent Responses to Draft RBMPs

Water UK

Water UK, representing water and wastewater service providers in the UK and at EU level has produced a 11- page document that was issued on 23 June 2009 and is available for download at the Water UK website:


Agricultural industry response to the South West River Management Plan

The National Farmers Union (NFU), the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC), the Country Land and Business Association (CLA), and the Crop Protection Association (CPA) have combined to prepare a joint response for agriculture to represent the views and concerns of farmers, growers, landowners and related industries. The response is divided into two parts. The first part concentrates on issues for agriculture relating to WFD pressures in England and answers the consultation questions. The second part focuses on specific issues with regard to the South West RBMP.


NFU’s response to dRBMP covering the Anglian district is also available on the NFU website:


Blueprint for Water

The Blueprint for Water is a campaign of Wildlife and Countryside Link launched in 2006 by a coalition of organisations to call on the government and its agencies to set out the necessary steps to achieve ‘sustainable water’ by 2015 and to fully implement the WFD. The response, issued in June 2009, is supported by 20 organisations and is available on the LINK website:


ART, Association of Rivers Trusts

ART is an umbrella organisation established to represent the rivers trust movement in England and Wales. On 3 May 2009 ART  submitted a National response to the draft River Basin Management Plans:


Consumer Council for Water

CCWater is the industry watchdog, set up to represent customers of water and sewerage companies in England and Wales and provide a national voice for customers. CCWater produced a response for each of the 10 RBDs in England and Wales. In addition, they have also responded to the Solway Tweed dRBMP,  a Scottish river basin district that incorporates an area including a small number of customers living in England.


London Councils
Response to dRBMP for Thames RBD

London Councils are a part think-tank, part lobbying organisation, and part service provider. It formulates policies, organises campaigns and runs a range of services all designed to make life better for Londoners.


Devon Maritime Forum
Combined Consultation Response

The Forum held a series of workshops at their annual Spring Meeting in May 2009. These workshops focused on responses to the dRBMP for the South West. The workshops all addressed identical questions, were Chaired by competent members of the Forum and allowed delegates an opportunity to explore the maritime elements of the Consultation in more detail. The findings from the workshops constitute a combined response from the Forum to the consultation.


Comments on the River Basin Management Plans Consultations

This is a generic response that applies equally to all the plans. It is made on behalf of Seafish following discussions with its Marine Environmental Legislation Expert Group. This group consists of cross sector industry representation, as well as country government departments and agencies. Seafish is a non-departmental public body that provides support to all sectors of the seafood industry. 19 June 2009


Flash Eurobarometer on Water
March 2009

The survey, conducted by the Gallup Organisation at the request of the DG Environment, in order to examine EU citizens’ awareness about various water-related problems, their perceptions about the impact of a number of factors on their country’s water environment, and their willingness to take individual actions to reduce these water-related problems. In addition, the survey looked at the levels of awareness of the consultations on dRBMPs. At the time of the survey the process was on-going in most Member States, but relatively few European citizens polled have taken part despite widespread interest.


2nd European Water Conference
02 –03/04/2009:

Active Involvement in River Basin Management

The Conference document Your water, your life: Plunge into the debate communicates key messages on the topics including WFD consultation processes across the EU and first feedback on the dRBMPs. The document and presentations from the conference can be accessed from the WISE website.



What future for EU’s water?

March 2009

First assessment of the dRBMPs under the EU Water Framework Directive. The report presents the findings of a survey carried out during January and February 2009 amongst the EEB and WWF water networks in EU Member States about the quality of the implementation of the WFD


Salmon and Trout Association (S&TA)

Generic response to WFD dRBMPs

On 3 April 2009 the S&TA responded generically to the Environment Agency with preliminary comments and suggestions on the dRBMPs. The response and associated S&TA Briefing Papers can be accessed from the S&TA website.


Scottish Rural Property and Business Association,


On 3 April 2009 the SRPBA provided comments on the Scottish Government consultation Scotland’s Water – Future Directions. The consultation paper was prepared in tandem with the SEPA’s dRBMPs.


Broads Authority

Report by Director of Waterways and Head of Conservation

This report was presented at the Broads Forum meeting on 12/02/2009. It sets out the progress made by the Environment Agency in achieving its statutory duties under the requirements of the WFD. It proposes the Broads Authority’s consultation response for members’ consideration and comment. Further, it is suggested that members of the Forum may also wish to submit separate consultation responses to represent the views of their nominating sectors/ bodies.


Conference 11/02/2009 London:

Responding to the Consultation

Stakeholder Views


Stakeholders from different regions and different sectors presented their initial responses to the dRBPs consultation.

Presentations from representatives of Natural England, local authorities, NFU, RSPB, CCWater, River Trusts and the water industry can be found on the organiser’s website.

Water UK - represents all UK water and wastewater service suppliers at national and European level.

On 22 December 2008, the date of publication of the dRBMPs, Water UK also published a briefing summarising water industry views on progress to date and the complementary roles of different economic sectors. Sustainable implementation of the WFD depends on policy taking a new direction and on building a process of collaboration between all relevant sectors. A great deal has been achieved, but gaps remain which if not filled could threaten the sustainability of the project.



New government plans for the clean up of England’s rivers, lakes and estuaries have been condemned as woefully inadequate by the RSPB (24 December 2008).


WWT - The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust  - a  conservation organisation saving wetlands for wildlife and people

Commenting on the draft River Basin Management Plans. What are we doing?

WWT has posted its guide to responding to the River Basin Management Plans on its website and they will be providing their own response later in the year.




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